"I appreciate it very much for giving me the opportunity to earn this scholarship. I plan to use this scholarship very wisely and continue with my career. Thank you so much for giving me a chance."
"I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to partake in this scholarship. I am ever more appreciative of the help you've provided."
"This scholarship was a huge relief to me and my family as it eased the financial burden a bit. With a new baby and a full time job, having a little less worry about something like our bank account makes a big difference. I'm extremely grateful that this scholarship not only confirmed and recognized my hard work, but also made a tangible impact on my life."
"I would like to thank the Rev. Henrietta Wiley and her wife, Ms. Mary Sykes, for the scholarship they provided for me. I am very grateful for this scholarship and the generosity shown to students like me from Burke County."
"This scholarship is a vital testament of hard work and relentless effort in my studies here at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I will utilize this scholarship while pursuing a master's degree to be a physician assistant to further serve underserved communities with my healthcare assets."
"In December, I will be the first in my family to graduate college. This scholarship is getting me to the finish line at accomplishing my goals and making my family proud and setting an example for my younger siblings and other students like me."